Good Morning Continue to Count Your Blessing

Here are 35 Uplifting Good morning blessings To Inspire Your Day

Mornings are one of the best times to involve God in prayers. There are several reasons why people say prayers and words of good morning and blessings every time they wake up in the morning. In general, prayers are considered a daily dose for survival, strength, happiness, and success in what one does in life as a believer. According to the scriptures, Jesus began with prayers and ended with prayers. This sums up the relevance of prayers in our lives.

Here on this page we have a collection of very powerful prayers and blessings to start the morning before leaving for the day.

Good morning blessings

ALSO READ: Sunday Morning Prayers for blessings to God Almighty

Lord, I come before your presence this morning, as humbly as ever. As the sun shines, may your favor shine on me, my family, my friends, and even my enemies. As I breathe in the fresh morning air, may my heart be filled with your love, may I love without end. Crown my hard work with success and fill my home with your peace today and forever. Amen.

Dear God, I thank you for the gift of life that you have given me and my family on this beautiful day. May your heavenly hand protect us, and may peace reign constantly under our roofs. As we go through our activities for the day, please come to our side to guide and protect us. Thanks.

Waking up each morning is a testimony of your grace, oh Lord. Your love knows no end, and I am eternally grateful for that. Let my life revolve around your word as I prepare for the day. Order my steps and protect me. Do not let me fall into temptation and grant me success in all my endeavors. Amen

Dear God, thank you for this beautiful morning and for giving me another chance to be alive on this earth. Your guidance and protection throughout the night are appreciated. When I leave my room, please lead me. When my heart breaks, please mend it, and when I break down in sickness, please heal me, oh Lord.

I rise today in prayer to adore my creator. Praise Your name for Your countless blessings in my life. As I prepare for the day, allow your wonderful hand to guide me and carry me safely home. Thanks. Amen.

Thank you very much Lord for this wonderful day. Thank you for this bright morning sun, the beautiful breeze, and the sweet melody of the songbirds. Thank you for my family, work and everything that life has in store for me. I praise you for your love and kindness that keep me flying through life. Blessed be your name, because you deserve my praise. Amen.

I pray, oh Lord, to guide me through the storms and struggles of today. Fill me with the strength to overcome my fears and anxiety. I am weak but You are powerful. Your strength is all I need today. Grant me the desires of my heart in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear God , I will never stop thanking you for the incredible love, grace and mercy that you constantly shower on me. Today, I raise my hands in total submission to your power. Thank you for your presence in my life, my work, my family, and my dreams. May today be as beautiful as the love you have for me in the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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I wish you success in every step you take this morning. May the goodness of the Lord follow you wherever you go. Have a nice day. Good morning darling.

Don't give up on your dreams. Every morning he gives you another bite at the cherry. Best of luck in your exploits. Have a wonderful morning.

The best things still happen to you. Keep dreaming and never be discouraged by life's failures. May your life be filled with more blessings than you can count! Good Morning.

May God's blessings never miss your door. I wish you joy and happiness this morning. You have a good day. Good Morning.

May this day bring you nothing but the purest and truest form of happiness. Good Morning.

I wish you have all the blessings and love it takes to put a smile on yourself this morning. Have a wonderful day. Good Morning.

Best wishes in everything you do today. May the Lord keep you from danger and sadness as you go out this morning. Have a nice day.

Life may not have given you a reason to smile, but remember that God knows your pain and cares about you. He loves you and will eventually turn your darkness into light and your sorrows into happiness. May you be filled with the joy of the Lord today. Good Morning.

You are truly blessed beyond measure. Get out there today and be a blessing to anyone you meet. I wish you a great day. Good Morning.

Thinking of you this morning. May you have the best of days in the goodness of the Most High. God bless you. Good Morning.

God bless you for your presence in my life. May you recover from everything you've lost by putting smiles on my face. I wish you the best in the plans you have for today. Have a beautiful morning

Good morning, lovely people. Morning has just arrived, and I want you to open your arms and embrace the blessings and joy that go with you. Have a beautiful day.

May our lives continue to be filled with the wonderful blessings of God. Good Morning.

Waking up every day to see you is a blessing in itself. May your day be as great as my love for you. Have a blessed morning, darling.

This morning calls for a lot of celebration because we have been blessed with the priceless gift of life. May our lives continue to be filled with the wonderful blessings of God. Good Morning.

Blessed tomorrow, my dear. May you live long to enjoy more beautiful mornings like this one.

Today is the beginning of something beautiful in your life. Hug her and walk with pride of success in the day. Good Morning.

I believe in every dream of yours and I believe that Almighty God will help you to realize each and every one of these dreams. I really can't wait to see all your dreams updated. Good morning, and have a very happy day.

There is power in positive thinking. You can be filled with positive thoughts as you prepare for the day. Have a blessed morning.

The heavens proclaim the glory of God The heavens display their craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak (Psalm 19: 1, 2).


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Leave the opportunity to take advantage of this beautiful day. You can find windows of opportunity in your life in everything you do today. Good Morning.

You are alive this beautiful morning because of God's tender mercy and amazing love. In this new day, may all the difficult paths on your paths be smoothed out, and may your steps always lead to the right places. Good morning, blessed.

Bible verses about morning and early prayer. Good morning blessings.

And in the morning, getting up a long time before the day, he went out, and went to a lonely place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35)

And Jesus answered him: The first of all commandments is: Hear, Israel: Jehovah our God, Jehovah is one: (Mark 12:29)

And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful! (Psalm 90:17)

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [his] purpose. (Romans 8:28 – 31)

As long as the land remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night (Genesis 8:22)

Wake up, my glory wake up, psaltery and harp: I [I] will wake up early. (Psalms 57: 8)

Due to God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to fall on us (Luke 1:78)

Before dawn the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to a secluded place to pray (Mark 1:35)

But as for me, I will enter [your] house in the multitude of your mercy; [and] in your fear I will worship towards your holy temple. (Psalms 5: 7)

But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing on its wings and you will go free, leaping for joy like calves that go out to graze (Malachi 4: 2)

Christ, the Morning Star shines in their hearts (2 Peter 1:19)

Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. (Psalm 46: 5)

Don't be afraid Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today The Lord Himself will fight for you Just keep calm. (Exodus 14:13)

Crying can last all night, but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30: 5

Don't worry about these things, saying, 'What are we going to eat? What are we going to drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but their heavenly Father already knows all their needs (Matthew 6:31, 32)

Every day I ask for your help, Lord, I lift my hands to you in mercy (Psalm 88: 9)

Because the Lord God is our sun and our shield He gives us grace and glory (Psalm 84:11)

For the Lord has told me this: "I will watch silently from my dwelling place, as silently as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the morning dew forms during the harvest" (Isaiah 18: 4).


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